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Atlas Device SDKs

Manage Flexible Sync Subscriptions- .NET SDK

On this page

  • Manage Your Subscriptions
  • Add a Subscription
  • Bootstrap the Realm with Initial Subscriptions
  • Add a Subscription to the Existing Subscription Set
  • Batching Multiple Subscriptions
  • Subscription Options
  • Update Subscriptions with a New Query
  • Remove Subscriptions
  • Remove a Subscription by Query
  • Remove a Subscription by Name
  • Remove All Subscriptions of a Class Name or Object Type
  • Remove All Subscriptions
  • Wait for Subscription Changes to Sync
  • Subscription State
  • Flexible Sync RQL Requirements and Limitations
  • Indexed Queryable Fields Subscription Requirements
  • Unsupported Query Operators in Flexible Sync
  • List Queries
  • Embedded or Linked Objects

Flexible Sync uses subscriptions and permissions to determine which data to sync with your App.

To use Flexible Sync in a .NET application:

You can add, update, and remove query subscriptions to determine which data syncs to the client device.


Flexible Sync Prerequisites

Enabling Flexible Sync in your App requires a non-sharded Atlas cluster running MongoDB 5.0 or greater


Realm .NET SDK Version Requirement

In addition to the requirements above, you must use Realm .NET version 10.9.0 or greater in order to use Flexible Sync in your .NET client application.


Flexible Sync does not support all the operators available in Realm Query Language. See Flexible Sync RQL Limitations for details.

When configuring Flexible Sync on the backend, you specify which fields your client application can query. In the client application, use the subscriptions API to manage a set of subscriptions to specific queries on queryable fields.

You can:

  • Get a list of all subscriptions

  • Add subscriptions

  • Check subscription state

  • Update a subscription with a new query

  • Remove individual subscriptions or all subscriptions of a type

When the data matches the subscription, and the authenticated user has the appropriate permissions, Atlas App Services syncs the backend data with the client app.

You can specify a string name for your subscription. If you do not give your subscription a name, the name is set to null.

When you create a subscription, App Services looks for data matching a query on a specific object type. In your Flexible Sync subscriptions, you can have subscriptions on several different object types or several queries on the same object type.

You can't create subscriptions for asymmetric objects because they only send data to your App Services backend.

Changed in version 11.6.1: Geospatial data supported in Atlas Device Sync

In the Realm .NET version 11.6.1 and later, you can create subscriptions to geospatial queries. If you try to subscribe to a geospatial query with an older version of the SDK, you will receive a server error with a compensating write.

For more information, refer to Query Geospatial Data.

You must have at least one subscription before you can read from or write to the realm. You should create one or more initial subscriptions when you configure Flexible Sync, rather than adding subscriptions after initialization.

You can bootstrap a realm with an initial subscription set when you open it with a FlexibleSyncConfiguration. Set the PopulateInitialSubscriptions parameter to a callback that is invoked when the realm is created. Add the queries you want to use to bootstrap the realm, as shown in the following example:

var config = new FlexibleSyncConfiguration(app.CurrentUser)
PopulateInitialSubscriptions = (realm) =>
var myItems = realm.All<Item>().Where(n => n.OwnerId == myUserId);
// The process will complete when all the user's items have been downloaded.
var realm = await Realm.GetInstanceAsync(config);

You should initialize a realm with your SubscriptionSet. You can then access the subscription set with the Realm.Subscriptions property if you need to add additional queries or update existing subscriptions.

To add a subscription to an existing subscription set, create the query and then call IQueryable.SubscribeAsync():

var query = realm.All<Team>().Where(t => t.Name == "MyTeam");
await query.SubscribeAsync();
// you can also pass a SubscriptionOptions object:
var query2 = realm.All<Team>().Where(t => t.Name == "DevelopmentTeam");
await query2.SubscribeAsync(
new SubscriptionOptions() { Name = "devTeamSubscription" });

The SubscribeAsync method is shorthand for using SubscriptionSet.Update() to create an update block, and then calling the SubscriptionSet.Add() method on the SubscriptionSet.

While you can add a single query using SubscribeAsync, you can only batch multiple queries within a SubscriptionSet.Update block. Performing query updates is an expensive operation on the server. We strongly advise designing your application to minimize updates. You can do this by creating all subscriptions in a single update block the first time the user launches the app and batching any follow-up changes to the subscription set.

In the example below, we subscribe to three queries.

realm.Subscriptions.Update(() =>
// Subscribe to all long running items, and name
// the subscription "longRunningItems"
var longRunningTasksQuery = realm.All<Item>()
.Where(t => t.ProgressMinutes > 120);
new SubscriptionOptions() { Name = "longRunningItems" });
// Subscribe to all of Ben's Items
.Where(t => t.Owner == "Ben"));
// Subscribe to all Teams, name the subscription
// 'teamsSubscription', and throw an error if
// this subscription name already exists.
new SubscriptionOptions()
{ Name = "teams", UpdateExisting = false });

Note that both methods for adding a subscription provide an overload for passing in a SubscriptionOptions object. SubscriptionOptions contains configuration options for your subscription:

  • a Name string field

  • an UpdateExisting boolean field.

If UpdateExisting is true, adding a subscription with an existing name will replace the existing query with the new query. This is the default behavior. However, if you set UpdateExisting to false, and try to replace a named subscription with a different query, Realm throws an exception.

Realm always ignores duplicate subscriptions, whether named or unnamed.


Subscribe to Linked Objects

You must add both an object and its linked object to the subscription set to see a linked object.

If your subscription results contain an object with a property that links to an object not contained in the results, the link appears to be nil. There is no way to distinguish whether that property's value is legitimately nil, or whether the object it links to exists but is out of view of the query subscription.

You can update a named subscription with a new query. To update a subscription's query, pass the new query and a subscription option with the name of the subscription that you want to update to the SubscriptionSet.Add() method. Like adding a new subscription, you must update a subscription within an update block by calling SubscriptionSet.Update() method.


Updating an unnamed subscription is not possible. Alternatively, you can delete the unnamed subscription, and create a new subscription with the desired query.

In the following example, long running tasks are re-defined to be any tasks that have taken more than 130 minutes:

realm.Subscriptions.Update(() =>
var updatedLongRunningTasksQuery = realm.All<Item>()
.Where(t => t.Status == "completed" && t.ProgressMinutes > 130);
new SubscriptionOptions() { Name = "longRunningTasks" });


Attempting to update a subscription that has the SubscriptionOptions.UpdateExisting field set to false will throw an exception.

To remove subscriptions from the subscription set, you can:

  • Remove a single subscription with the given query

  • Remove a single subscription with the given name

  • Remove a single subscription with the given subscription

  • Remove all subscriptions of a specific type

  • Remove all subscriptions

When you remove a subscription query, the server also removes synced data from the client device.

Within an update block, you can remove a specific subscription by query. Pass the query to the Remove() method on the SubscriptionSet.

In the following example, the subscription to tasks with an owner named 'Ben' is removed from the subscriptions set.

realm.Subscriptions.Update(() =>
// remove a subscription by it's query
var query = realm.All<Item>().Where(i => i.Owner == "Ben");

Within an update block, you can remove a specific subscription by name. Pass the name to the Remove() method on the SubscriptionSet.

realm.Subscriptions.Update(() =>
// remove a named subscription
var subscriptionName = "longRunningItemsSubscription";

Within an update block, you can remove remove all unnamed subscriptions of a class by passing the class name as a string to the RemoveAll("ClassName") method. The RemoveAll() method has an optional second argument that is a boolean, removedName, which also removes the named subscriptions if it is set to true. removedName is set to false by default.

Alternatively, you can remove all unnamed subscriptions of an object type with RemoveAll(). The RemoveAll<Type>() method has an optional boolean removedName argument that also removes the named subscriptions if it is set to true. The removedName argument is set to false by default.

realm.Subscriptions.Update(() =>
// remove all subscriptions of the "Team" Class Name
// Alernatively, remove all subscriptions of the "Team" object type

Within an update block, you can remove all unnamed subscriptions from the subscriptions set. Call the RemoveAll() method on the SubscriptionSet. The RemoveAll() method has an optional boolean removedName argument which also removes the named subscriptions if it is set to true. removedName is set to false by default.

realm.Subscriptions.Update(() =>
// remove all subscriptions, including named subscriptions

Mutating the subscription set within an update block is only one part of changing a subscription. After the local subscription change, the realm synchronizes with the server to resolve any updates to the data due to the subscription change. This could mean adding or removing data from the synced realm.

Use the SubscriptionSet.WaitForSynchronizationAsync() method to wait for the server to acknowledge this set of subscriptions. If the server rejects the change, the SubscriptionSetState will be an error state, and an exception will be thrown.

An exception may occur if:

  • An unsupported query is subscribed to. Subscribing to an unsupported query will pause synchronization. To resume synchronization, remove the unsupported query.

  • You are performing an invalid action, such as adding an object that does not match a subscription. This triggers a client reset: data is erased from the realm, and a new copy of the data is created without any subscriptions in the set.

await realm.Subscriptions.WaitForSynchronizationAsync();
catch (SubscriptionException ex)
// do something in response to the exception or log it
Console.WriteLine($@"The subscription set's state is Error and synchronization is paused: {ex.Message}");

Use the SubscriptionSet.State property to read the current state of the subscription set.

The Superseded state is a SubscriptionSetState that can occur when another thread updates a subscription on a different instance of the subscription set. If the state becomes Superseded, you must obtain a new instance of the subscription set before you can update it.


Subscription State "Complete"

The subscription set state "complete" does not mean "sync is done" or "all documents have been synced". "Complete" means the following two things have happened:

  • The subscription has become the active subscription set that is currently being synchronized with the server.

  • The documents that matched the subscription at the time the subscription was sent to the server are now on the local device. Note that this does not necessarily include all documents that currently match the subscription.

The Realm SDK does not provide a way to check whether all documents that match a subscription have synced to the device.

Adding an indexed queryable field to your App can improve performance for simple queries on data that is strongly partitioned. For example, an app where queries strongly map data to a device, store, or user, such as user_id == $0, “641374b03725038381d2e1fb”, is a good candidate for an indexed queryable field. However, an indexed queryable field has specific requirements for use in a query subscription:

  • The indexed queryable field must be used in every subscription query. It cannot be missing from the query.

  • The indexed queryable field must use an == or IN comparison against a constant at least once in the subscription query. For example, user_id == $0, "641374b03725038381d2e1fb" or store_id IN $0, {1,2,3}.

You can optionally include an AND comparison as long as the indexed queryable field is directly compared against a constant using == or IN at least once. For example, store_id IN {1,2,3} AND region=="Northeast" or store_id == 1 AND (active_promotions < 5 OR num_employees < 10).

Invalid Flexible Sync queries on an indexed queryable field include queries where:

  • The indexed queryable field does not use AND with the rest of the query. For example store_id IN {1,2,3} OR region=="Northeast" is invalid because it uses OR instead of AND. Similarly, store_id == 1 AND active_promotions < 5 OR num_employees < 10 is invalid because the AND only applies to the term next to it, not the entire query.

  • The indexed queryable field is not used in an equality operator. For example store_id > 2 AND region=="Northeast" is invalid because it uses only the > operator with the indexed queryable field and does not have an equality comparison.

  • The query is missing the indexed queryable field entirely. For example, region=="Northeast or truepredicate are invalid because they do not contain the indexed queryable field.

Flexible Sync has some limitations when using RQL operators. When you write the query subscription that determines which data to sync, the server does not support these query operators. However, you can still use the full range of RQL features to query the synced data set in the client application.

Operator Type
Unsupported Operators
Aggregate Operators
@avg, @count, @max, @min, @sum
Query Suffixes

Case insensitive queries ([c]) cannot use indexes effectively. As a result, case insensitive queries are not recommended, since they could lead to performance problems.

Flexible Sync only supports @count for array fields.

Flexible Sync supports querying lists using the IN operator.

You can query a list of constants to see if it contains the value of a queryable field:

// Query a constant list for a queryable field value
"priority IN { 1, 2, 3 }"

If a queryable field has an array value, you can query to see if it contains a constant value:

// Query an array-valued queryable field for a constant value
"'comedy' IN genres"


You cannot compare two lists with each other in a Flexible Sync query. Note that this is valid Realm Query Language syntax outside of Flexible Sync queries.

// Invalid Flexible Sync query. Do not do this!
"{'comedy', 'horror', 'suspense'} IN genres"
// Another invalid Flexible Sync query. Do not do this!
"ANY {'comedy', 'horror', 'suspense'} != ANY genres"

Flexible Sync does not support querying on properties in Embedded Objects or links. For example, obj1.field == "foo".
